Sunday, February 11, 2007

Mr 999 - robotic arm

I don't know about you, but I hate it when I forget to take my teabag out in the morning. I'll avoid the coffee, trying to be healthy, and kick off a mug of peppermint tea. "leave for 3 minutes".

Three minutes is a long time, so I get distracted. Theres only one solution. What I need is a USB powered robotic programmable arm. Luckily...

"MR-999 ROBOT ARM can perform such actions as to grab, release, lift, lower, rotate wrist and pivot sideways for 350 degrees as you command with a wired controller."

A quick hack to code the controller to take timed instructions over the USB and I've got my perfect tea machine. If it can depress a cafetierre and pour a cup of the Ethiopian good stuff too then who needs a kitchen!

Link (via)

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